Jeffries Point Neighborhood Association to meet May 10, 2021


Monday, May 10th, 2021
7:00 – 8:30 pm
Zoom Video Conference


In order to speak aloud as an abutter, you must register for this meeting by Sunday, May 9th at 7pm.

PLEASE NOTEIn order to qualify to vote at a voting meeting each person must be registered and join the meeting as an individual. You will not be counted as an attendee at a meeting should you participate in the Zoom call as a couple or family.

Hello Jeffries Point Neighborhood Association!

The following is the agenda for our upcoming monthly meeting:

AGENDA (subject to change):

Greetings & Announcements
    Nominations for JPNA Board
Boston Police Update
Santa Fe Burrito Grill - 1st Meeting - Proposed Restaurant at 303 Sumner St.
The Trustees of Reservations - Gabrielle Ramirez, Outreach Coordinator
VOTE: 304 Sumner St - Erect addition and change occupancy from 3 to 4 units.
    Property Owner: 304 Sumner St, LLC
    Represented by: Richard C. Lynds, Esq

As a reminder, all questions will be handled via the Zoom chat feature. We ask all attendees to remain muted unless called upon to speak. Looking forward to “seeing” you all there!

We are using eBallot to manage the voting process. Within 48 hours after the meeting, eligible voters will be emailed a link that will allow them to vote online. All votes must be cast by Friday, May 14th at 7pm. Late votes will not be accepted, no exceptions.

We hope you and your loved ones are well. We are all in this together as neighbors and friends. Please don’t be afraid to reach out.

2021 meeting dates are posted at