Volunteers needed for after-school tutoring at McKay School


The College Success Academy offers rigorous, tuition-free programs to Boston Public Schools students seeking to succeed in high school and pursue a college education. In pursuit of this mission, CSA offers after-school tutoring to middle school Scholars at two of our partner schools: the Edison K-8 School in Brighton and the McKay K-8 School in East Boston. 

The East Boston neighborhood is new to us, and we are looking for dedicated young adults (high school to mid-20’s) to work as volunteer tutors in our after-school program during the upcoming academic year.

Volunteer tutors will work at the McKay site on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2:30 m to 5:30 pm from mid-September to mid-May.

If you are passionate about education, working with kids, or making sure that everyone has a chance to go to college, please e-mail Program Assistant Enya O’Riordan (eoriordan@tsf.org) and include “Volunteer Tutor” in the subject line.

Source: eoriordan@tsf.org